Frid II Disc Golf Bag

A high-quality premium bag with smart features and durable materials for disc golf players. The customer’s goal was to launch the best bag on the market – which we helped them do.


Together with one of Sweden’s best disc golf players, we have developed a product that is optimal for practitioners in the sport. Over the course of a year, we have carefully analysed and created the product with specific features designed to make it easier for the player. Due to the harsh environment that the bag will be exposed to, it has been developed with durable materials to withstand these stresses. In addition to the design with heavy-duty and durable materials, another goal was to create the lightest disc golf bag on the market, which has been achieved.

Ryggsäck grön European Birdies Discgolfväska Discgolfbag back

“Having long had a dream to produce a premium disc golf bag, I decided in the summer of 2020 to make this happen and I wanted to do it the right way. After evaluating the potential, I started the sketch work, and I soon realised that I needed help with producing a prototype and also production of the bag. It didn’t take much research before I realised that SACCI was ‘best in the business’ and I therefore contacted them. Sacci are experts in bag development, and I am an expert in disc golf, which made us a perfect team and the collaboration has worked out great.”

– Josef Berg, founder European Birdies