
Trauma Pouch

Sacci Trauma Pouch is designed and developed to save lives. The small and flexible bag is intended and designed to be packed with specifically selected medical items used in extreme injury management, or a classic first aid kit. The bag is designed so that each user has the opportunity to pack the items required in a critical bleeding situation. The bag can and is encouraged to be attached to a belt, in a vehicle or on a work platform to be close at hand in the event of an accident. It is small and flexible so that you can easily take it with you and use it in different types of situations.

The Trauma Pouch can be equipped with:
» Haemostatic dressing
» Gauze
» Tourniquet
» Swat-T
» Scissors
» Light stick
» 2 pairs of gloves
» Whistle
» Heat blanket

Artnr 120925

More information & orders

For more product information and orders, please contact us by email  or call +46(0)243-932 50.